TM 10-4320-226-14
While holding pulley in place, use angle of turn indicator tool to torque
bolt (1) in accordance with appendix G.
If crankshaft pulley is replaced, mark TDC paragraph 5.5.9.
Install position pointer so that pointed end almost contacts outside edge
of crankshaft pulley (figure 5-9, 1).
Locate number 1 cylinder (2).
Remove bolt (3), washers (4), cover (5), and gasket (6).
Rotate crankshaft pulley (1) counterclockwise until valves on number 1
cylinder (2) overlap.
Turn crankshaft pulley 360° (one complete turn).
Rotate crankshaft pulley 1/4 turn.
Depress exhaust valve (7) of number 1 cylinder down.
Install 0.006 (6
mm) keystock between exhaust valve stem face and rocker arm.
Rotate crankshaft pulley (1) clockwise until piston lightly contacts open
exhaust valve (7). Scribe mark even with pointer on front pulley.
Rotate crankshaft pulley counterclockwise 1/4 turn and remove keystock.
Rotate crankshaft pulley (1) clockwise 1/2 turn and install 0.006 (6 mm)
keystock between number 1 cylinder (2) exhaust valve (7) stem face and
rocker arm.
Rotate crankshaft pulley (1) counterclockwise until piston lightly
contacts open exhaust valve (7).
Scribe mark even with position pointer
on front of crankshaft pulley (1).
Rotate crankshaft pulley (1) 1/4 turn clockwise and remove keystock.
Place mark exactly in center of two marks on crankshaft pulley (1).
Center mark is TDC.
Use timing mark and bolt scale, and scribe a mark 32° clockwise from TDC
mark on crankshaft pulley (1).
This mark is 32° Before TDC (BTDC) and is
the fuel injection timing mark.
Be sure mark is considering pulley
Install bolt (3), washers (4), cover (5), and new gasket (6).
Remove position pointer.