Section I.
1-1. Scope
This manual is for your use in operating and
maintaining the liquid dispensing tank and pump
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
Maintenance forms and records that you are
required to use are explained in TM 38-750.
1-3. Reporting of Errors
You can improve this manual by calling attention
Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
1-4. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESCs)
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
1-5. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use
Procedures to be used for destruction of the
equipment to prevent enemy use are in TM 750-
to errors and by recommending improvements,
1-6. Administrative Storage
using DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
Publications) or by a letter, and mail directly to the
For administrative storage instructions, refer to
Commanding General, U. S. Army Mobility
TM 740-90-1.
1-7. Description
a cargo truck, the tank and pump unit is used in the
a. General. The tank and pump unit consists of
field as a bulk carrier and dispenser. It carries
a 50 gpm (gallons per minute) pumping assembly
1,200 gallons. The purpose of the tank and pump
(fig. 1-1), two 600-gallon tanks, and related items.
unit is to convert a general purpose military cargo
It is designed for use with 2½-ton, 6 x 6 cargo
vehicle into a bulk refueler for other military
trucks M-34, M-35, and M-211; and with 5-ton, 6
vehicles or aircraft.
x 6 cargo trucks M-41 and M-54. When installed in