b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the pulley thoroughly.
( 2 ) I n s p e c t t h e p u l l e y f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s,
dam aged threads, and other damage.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-6 and install the
rem oval ).
4-18. Air Shroud
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the starter pulley (para 4-17).
(2) Refer to figure 4-6 and remove the air
shroud, ignition switch, and bracket.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean and dry all parts thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the air shroud for cracks, breaks,
dents, and distortion.
(3) Inspect the mounting hardware for cracks
and for damaged threads. Replace defective parts.
c. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 4-6 and install the air
shroud. ignition switch,
and bracket (installation
procedure is reverse of removal).
(2) Install the starter pulley (para 4-17).
4-19. General
The ignition system consists of the magneto, spark
plug, ignition cable, and the ignition switch. These
are all shielded to provide radio suppression.
4 - 2 0 . S p a r k P l u g , I n g n i t i o n C a b l e , a nd
Ignition Switch with Ground Cable
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-7 and remove the
spark plug, ignition cable, and ignition switch and
ground cable.
Figure 4-7. Spark plug, ignition cable, ignition switch and ground cable.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Inspect the ignition switch for signs of
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly.
b u r n e d a r e a s , f r a y e d g r o u n d c a b l e , a n d o t h er
( 2 ) I n s p e c t t h e s p a r k p l u g f o r b r o k e n or
burned insulator, excessively burned electrodes,
(5) Replace all defective parts.
damaged threads, and other damage.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-7 and install
(3) Inspect the ignition cable for signs of
the spark plug, ignition cable, and ignition switch
burning, frayed, shielding, and other damage.
in reverse of removal.