TM 5-4930-227-14
d. Pump Unit Rear Tiedown Strap Assembly.
(1) Refer to figure 2-3 for identification of
tiedown strap assembly.
(2) Refer to figure 2-4 and hook loose
bracket over top of reel frame, long side with
hole out and down. Hook bracket attached to
strap end beneath rear truck from 8 to 10 inches
right of center.
Section Il. MOVEMENT
2-4. Dismantling for Movement
a. Short Distance Movement.
(1) Remove the tanks and pump unit from
the truck with a forklift or other suitable device.
(2) Move the tanks and pump unit to the
new worksite with the forklift or vehicle. Provide
suitable blocking and tiedowns to prevent the
equipment from- shifting.
b. Long Distance Movement.
(1) Provide a suitable container
Section Ill.
2-6. General
for the
This section describes, locates, illustrates, and
furnishes the operator, crew, or organizational
maintenance personnel, sufficient information
about the various controls and instruments for
(3) Pass strap end up through space be-
tween tailgate and truck body. Insert strap end,
rear to front, thru slot in center of ratchet spool.
Pull all slack thru ratchet spool by strap end.
(4) Unlock ratchet, move ratchet handle in
an up and down motion until strap is tight. Push
ratchet handle to closed position.
(5) Raise the tailgate.
tanks and pump unit. Refer to TM 38-230 for in-
structions in container fabrication.
(2) Provide suitable blocking and tie-
downs to prevent the unit from shifting during
2-5. Reinstallation After Movement
Reinstall the tanks and pump unit after move-
ment to a new worksite as instructed in paragraph
proper operation of the tanks and pump unit.
2-7. Controls and Instruments
The purpose of the controls and instruments and
the normal and maximum reading of the instru-
ments are illustrated in figure 2-5.