TM 5-4320-306-10Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Troubleshooting - ContinuedMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION4. LACK OF POWERWARNINGDeath or serious injury could occur if diesel fuel oil is not handled carefully. Use in a well-ventilated area away from open flame, arcing equipment, ignition sources, heaters, or excessiveheat. Be certain that fuel lines and connections are secure. Do not inhale vapor. Do not overfillfuel tank. Engines must be turned off and cooled before refueling. Use proper refuelingprocedures and equipment to avoid spillage. Do not run engines near open fuel containers. DONOT SMOKE.CAUTIONLow air density of high altitude operation will tend to make the engine run hotter. A hightemperature condition may cause abnormal engine operation.Step 1. Check for insufficient fuel supply.Refill low tank. Perform the checks and services of table 2-2, item 19. If tank is empty, notifyorganizational maintenance.Step 2. Check engine air cleaner restriction indicator.If indicator shows red with engine shut off, and no damage to system components is found, replaceprimary and secondary elements (para 3-8).Step 3. Check for malfunctioning turbocharger and leaking turbocharger oil lines.Perform the checks and services of table 2-2, item 34.Step 4. Check for loose connections or a restricted or damaged line between fuel pump and tank, and betweenfuel pump and engine.Report damaged lines or loose connections to organizational maintenance.Step 5. Check for restrictions in suction and discharge assemblies and hoses or hose end.Perform the checks and services of table 2-2, item 8, and clean away debris. Replace severelydamaged or restricted hoses.Be sure that suction and discharge gate valves are open correctly to balance flow.3-5
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