TM 5-4320-275-13 & P
LEGIBLE - Capable of being read. A legible nameplate can be read; an illegible plate can not.
LUBRICANT - A material such as grease, or machine oil, that reduces friction, and preserves, when used as a coating on
mov ing parts.
MALFUNCTION - Occurs when a unit fails to operate normally.
MANUFACTURER - The company which makes an item or piece of equipment for sale.
MATERIEL - Equipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization such as an army.
OBSTACLE - Something that stands in the way of, or blocks progress toward, a goal.
OBSTRUCTION - An obstacle.
OPERATIONAL - Available for use in accordance with the applicable specification.
OUTPUT - The energy, power, or work produced by a system.
PIVOT - A short rod or shaft about which a related part rotates; the act of turning on or as if on a pivot.
PORT - A threaded hole through which fluid may pass, or pressure may be measured. Ports on the pump are used to
connect hoses, and to measure pressure.
POTENTIALLY - Something which could possibly happen. Cleaning solvents are potentially dangerous, because fire or
illness can result if safety instructions are not followed.
PRECAUTION - An action taken in advance to protect against possible failure or danger.
PRELIMINARY - Prior to the main action or business.
PRIME - The act of introducing a liquid into a pump to increase the pump's ability to overcome negative head pressure.
PROLONGED - A condition or situation which exists for an extended period of time.
PROTRUDING - Pushing or jutting outward; projecting.
PROVISIONS - Stipulations or qualifications. Also that which is prov ided; stock of necessary supplies.
RADIOLOGICAL - Using ionizing radiation, or radioactive waves or particles. Radiological protection shields the person
or object from damage or injury due to harmful radiation.
RANGE - The minimum and maximum performance levels of any unit and including all measurable points between
Glossary 4