Figure 1. Centrifugal pump, left side view, with panels open.Figure 2. Centrifugal pumps right side New, with panels open.Figure 3. Centrifugal pump, left rear view.Figure 4. Centrifugal pump, right front view.Figure 5. Wiring DiagramFigure 6. Base plan.Figure 7. Pump readied for shipment.Figure 8. Areas of pump from which packing must be removed.Figure 10. Areas of pump requiring servicing.Section II. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSFigure 11. Controls and instruments.Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 12. Staring procedure.Figure 13. Stopping procedure.Dusty or Sandy AreasChapter 3. OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 14. Lubrication order.Figure 14. Lubrication order. - ContinuedSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESFigure 16. Daily preventive maintenance services.Figure 16. Daily preventive maintenance services. - ContinuedFigure 16. Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 16. Quarterly preventive maintenance services. - ContinuedSection III. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection IV. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONSection V. FUEL SYSTEMFuel PumpFigure 18. Carburetor installation.Figure 19. Air cleaner.Figure 30. Governor and magneto installation.Fuel Primer PumpFigure 22. Fuel tank, lines, and fittings.Section VI. ENGINE SYSTEMFigure 24. Generator test circuit.Figure 26. Generator regulator with cover removed, showing adjusting points.Figure 27. Generator regulator test setup.Figure 88. Starting motor and solenoid installation.Figure 29. Starting motor and solenoid testing circuits.Figure 31. Magneto point adjustment.Figure 32. Coolant piping, exploded view.Figure 33. Testing thermostat.Section VIII. LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 86. Oil filter.Figure 87. Lubricating oil lines and fittings.Figure 88. Valve tappet adjustment.Figure 39. Exhaust system parts, exploded view.Figure 40. Air preheater parts, exploded view.Tachometer and Hourmeter Battery Disconnect SwitchFigure 41. Hood and side panels, exploded view.Figure 42. Lines and fittings.Section XII. DISCHARGE AND INTAKE PRESSURE LINESSection I. ENGINE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT STANDARDSTable III. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-ContinuedDisassembly Figure 44. Pump installation.Figure 46. Stub shaft and drive, exploded view.DashFigure 47. Governor, exploded view.Section IV. ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 48. Generator, exploded view.Starting Motor RepairFigure 49. Starting motor, exploded view.Figure 50. Generator regulator, exploded view.Figure 51. Voltage regulator, exploded view.Figure 53. Cutout relay, exploded view.Figure 54. Magneto, exploded view.Figure 65. W ater pump, exploded view.Figure 56. External engine parts, exploded view.Water Pump RepairFigure 57. Checking cylinder head flatness.Figure 59. Valves, camshaft, and oil pump, exploded view.Valve and Valve TappetsFigure 62. Pulling valve seat insert.Oil Pan and Filler BlocksFigure 65. Installing neoprene seal in front filer blockFigure 67. Checking oil pump end clearance.Figure 68. Crankshaft, pistons, and connecting rods, exploded view.Figure 69. Checking bearing clearance using plastigageFigure 71. Checking flywheel housing eccentricity.Figure 72. Checking gear clearanceCrankshaft, Crankshaft Bearings, and CamshaftFigure 73. Removing bearing with angular-headed pinSection VII. PUMP REPAIRFigure 74. Pump, exploded view.Impeller, Shaft, Seal and BearingsSection VIII. SKID BASE AND RELATED PARTSINDEX TO FIGURE 75Figure 75. Skid base and related parts, exploded view.REFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedBASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - ContinuedSection III. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESAppendix III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection III. SPECIAL TOOL AND SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS