TM 5-4320-218-15
issued with each item of equipment. Those
3. Index to Federal Supply Code for
indicated by an asterisk are to be requisitioned
through normal supply channels as required.
Wisconsin Motor Corp.
German Rupp Co.
h. Illustrations. This column is subdivided
4. Comments and Suggestions
into two columns which provide the following
and recommendations for
changes to the Basic Issue Items List will be
submitted on DA Form 2028 to the Command-
(1) Figure number. The identifying num-
ing General, U. S. Army Engineer Maintenance
ber of the illustration.
Center, EMCDM, Corps of Engineers, P. O.
(2) Item number. The referred number
Box 119, Columbus 16, Ohio. ATTN: EMCDM,
for the part shown in the illustration.
Direct communication is authorized.