Chapter 1. IntroductionTabulated DataFigure 1. Pumping unit assembly, right front, three-quarter view.Figure 2. Pump assembly, left rear, three-quarter view.Figure 3. Identification plates.Chaprer 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 4. Engine front end panel.Figure 5. Pump assembly instrument panel.Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 6. Performance of pump unit pumping gasoline @ 0.70 specific gravity.Figure 7. Performance of pump unit pumping gasoline @ 0.75 specific gravity.Operation in Extreme HeatOperation Under Sandy or Dusty ConditionChapter 3. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 8. Lubrication orderFigure 8. Lubrication order - ContinuedFigure 8. Lubrication order - ContinuedLubrication Under Unusual ConditionsLocation and alinement.Organizational MaintenanceGeneralEngine Fule SystemFrames and WheelsEngine Misses or Operates ErraticallyEngine KnocksSection V. RADIO SUPPRESSIONAir CleanerFuel StrainerFigure 10. Air Cleaner, exploded view.Figure 11. Fuel strainer, exploded viewFigure 12. Fuel tank, exploded viewFigure 13. Governor adjustmentableFigure 14. Governor installationFigure 15. Carburetor installationSection VII. LUBRICATION SYSTEMSection IX. IGNITION SYSTEMFigure 17. Muffler and manifold, exploded viewFigure 18. Magneto, installed viewFigure 19. Engine timing markingFigure 20. Magneto breaker pointsSection X. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEMFigure 22. Air shrouds and flywheel, exploded viewSection XI. TRAILER WHEELS AND AXLEFigure 23. Trailer wheel and axle parts, exploded viewWheel Bearings and Seals Chapter 4. FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCESection III. FUEL PUMPFuel Pump Cleaning and InspectionFigure 24. Fuel pump and adapter, exploded view.Section IV. CARBURETORCarburetor ReassemblyFigure 25. Carburetor, exploded view.Section V. GOVERNORFigure 26. Governor, exploded view.Section VI. MAGNETOFigure 27. Magneto, spark plug and cables, exploded view.Figure 27. Magneto, spark plug and cables, exploded view. - ContinuedSection VII. ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 28. Engine block, bottom cover plate and gear cover plate, exploded view.Figure 28. Engine block, bottom cover plate and gear cover plate, exploded view. - ContinuedFigure 29. Oil pump, exploded view.Section VIII. CYLINDER HEADS AND VALVESFigure 30. Cylinder block, valves, and cylinder head, exploded view.Figure 31. Cylinder head tightening sequence.Section IX. VALVE-SEAT INSERTFigure 32. Camshaft and valve, exploded view.Section XI. CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONSFigure 33. Crankshaft, flywheel, connecting rod and piston, exploded view.Reassembly of Connecting Rod and Piston Section XII. CRANKSHAFT AND CAMSHAFTCrankshaft and Camshaft Cleaning Inspection, and RepairCrankshaft and Camshaft Reassembly and InstallationCylinder Block RemovalFigure 34. Check valve, exploded view.Section XV. GATE VALVESFigure 35. Gate valves, 4-inch, exploded view.Figure 36. Instrument panel, exploded view.Section XVI. INSTRUMENT PANELFigure 37. Pump air eliminator and suction manifold, exploded view.Suction Manifold Figure 38. Pump discharge manifold, exploded viewSection XIX. PUMP ASSEMBLYFigure 30. Pump and intermediate parts, exploded view.Figure 40. Pump, trailer, toolbox, towing eye and pintle hook, exploded viewSection XX. PUMP TRAILER FRAMECHAPTER 5. DEMOLITION OF PUMP TO PREVENT ENEMY USEFigure 41. Placement of charges.REFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedAPPENDIX II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTEchelon Maintenance.MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedAPPENDIX III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTComments and SuggestionsSection Il. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAPPENDIX IV. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESMAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES