If the pump works against an initial load for a long enough period of time, the thermal overload switch
may shut off motor. If this occurs, allow pump to cool (for approximately 10 minutes] and restart
pump without a load. Once the pump is in operation, reconnect tubing to equipment to be evacuated
or pressurized and continue operation.
Ensure that the temperature in which the pump is to be operated is above 40 F, otherwise the unit
will not function.
This pump is not explosion proof, therefore observe the necessary
precautions in areas where explosion hazards may be present and/or
when using combustible liquids or vapors In conjunction with the
operation of the pump.
Under normal operating conditions, and employing proper handling and maintenance procedures, the
Millipore Vacuum/Pressure Pump should provide many hours of troublefree operation. However, it is
wise to observe the following recommendations and instructions to achieve the best results with this unit.
Unless advised in specific instances, do not lubricate any of the parts with oil, grease or petroleum
products, or clean with acids, caustics, or chlorinated solvents. Although well protected with an
Armalon cover, be careful to keep the diaphragm from contacting any petroleum product of
hydrocarbons. It can affect the service life of the pump.
If a drop in vacuum or pressure is observed after many hours of operation, it may be due to a partial
clogging of the polyurethane filters. To clean or replace the filters (and/or the rubber gasket) remove
the two gauges from the top plate. Next, remove the five phillips screws.
The filters (3) and gasket are located beneath the top plate in the pump head. Remove the filters and
wash with 1, 1, 1, tricloroethane (chlorothene) and/or blow off and replace, when dry, in correct
position. If damaged, replace with new units from Service Kit. Clean the Hypalon gasket with water;
dry, and replace in proper postion.
To replace the diaphragm, remove the four socket cap screws from the head of the pump. The
diaphragm is held in place by two phillips head screws. Remove screws, retainer plate, and the
diaphragm. The diaphragm will fit in any postion on the connecting rod. Replace the plate and the
two phillips head screws, Torque to 30 inchpounds.
Do not raise any burrs or nicks on the heads of these screws. These
burrs could cause damage to the inlet valve.
To replace the inlet and/or outlet leafvalve, remove the slotted machine screw that holds each
valve in place. The stainless steel inlet and outlet valves are interchangeable. Clean them with
water. When replacing the outlet valve, note that there is a retaining bar near the machine screw
hole. This retaining bar holds the valve in position. When replacing the inlet valve, note that the
valve holder is marked with an X in one corner. This X should be in the lower right hand corner
toward the inlet of the-air chamber. Replace the head and tighten the socket head screws to
100 inch-pounds of torque.