TM 10-4630-206-12&P
Manual Organization and Page Numbering System. The manual is
divided into seven major chapters
that detail the topics mentioned above. Within each chapter are work packages covering a wide range of
topics. Each work package is numbered sequentially starting at page 1. The work package has its own
page numbering scheme and is independent of the page numbering used by other work packages. Each
page of a work package has a page number of the form XXXX YY-ZZ where XXXX is the work package
number (e.g. 0010 is work package 10), YY is reserved for the later insertion of revised work packages,
and ZZ represents the number of the page within that work package. A page number such as 0010 00-
1/(2 Blank) means that page 1 contains information but page 2 of that work package has been
intentionally left blank.
Illustrations. Illustrations for procedures in this manual always follow the procedure. For example, if
given the instruction "1. Locate the pump assembly (1).", (1) will reference the diagram or illustration
immediately following the procedure.
Finding Information. The table of contents permits the reader to find information in the manual quickly.
The reader should start here first when looking for a specific topic. The table of contents lists the topics
contained within each chapter and the work package sequence number where it can be found.
Example: If the reader were looking for instructions on "Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services",
which is an Operator Maintenance topic, the table of contents indicates that Operator Maintenance
Maintenance Checks and Services" information can be found in WP 0008 00 (i.e. Work Package 8).
An alphabetical index can be found at the back of the manual. It lists specific topics with the
corresponding work package.