TM 10-4320-315-24
Measure lead wire at its thinnest point. Correct measurement is 0.039 - 0.047 in. (0.991 - 1.194 mm).
If clearance was less than correct measurement, refer to general support maintenance to remove cylinder
and add shims. If clearance was greater than correct measurement, refer to general support maintenance to
remove cylinder and remove shims.
Measure length of cylinder head bolts (4). If head bolts exceed 8.37 in. (212.6 mm), replace head bolt.
Mount cylinder head (11) on engine.
Align the cylinders.
Install two alternating head bolts (4) with washers (5).
Without changing cylinder alignment, align intake and exhaust flanges.
Install other two head bolts (4) and washers (5).
Head bolts are tightened in diagonal sequence.
Torque head bolts (4) to 22 ftlbs (29.8 Nm) ensuring head remains in alignment.
Using angle-of-turn indicator, tighten head bolts (4) 450°.
Using angle-of-turn indicator, again tighten head bolts 450 for a second and third time.
Tighten head bolts (4) 30°.
Install new seals (3) on plugs (2).
Install plug (2) in cylinder head (11). Torque plugs 50 - 66 ftlbs (67.8 - 89.5 Nm).
Using pushrod spring compressor, assemble spring (7) on pushrod tube (6).
Install profile washer (8) on bottom end of pushrod tube (6), dome side toward spring.
Install new sealing ring (9) on bottom end of pushrod tube, flat side toward end of tube.
Install new sealing ring (9) over top of pushrod tube, flat side toward tube shoulder.
Insert spring end of pushrod tubes (6) in crankcase pushrod holes.
Align top end of pushrod tubes (6) with cylinder head cones.
Remove spring tensioning tool.
Remove tags and install pushrod tubes (6).
Remove tags and install pushrods (1).