TM 10-4320-226-14 Pump Assembly.
The pump assembly transfers fluid from one point to another
Figure 1-9 is a functional diagram of the pump assembly.
The fluid is
brought into the 350 GPM pump via the suction section.
The suction section
provides two suction inputs.
Each suction input has a valve that controls the size
of opening to the suction side of the pump.
In addition, each suction input has a
coupling half to connect to the fluid source.
Both suction inputs are connected to
the suction manifold.
The suction manifold is connected to the suction side of the
The suction section consists of two coupling halves, two gate valves, and
the suction manifold.
When the engine is started, the flexible coupling attached to the shaft in the
intermediate housing rotates in a clockwise direction and the shaft rotates freely
on two bearings.
The rotation of the shaft causes the impeller to turn
in a clockwise direction.
This creates a suction on the suction side of the volute
and liquid is forced into the suction section.
When the suction side gate valve is
open, the fluid is forced through the coupling, gate valve, and suction manifold
into the volute.
The fluid is then forced into the small opening at the front
center of the impeller.
Since the impeller is turning, the fluid spins through the
This spinning action increases the fluid pressure and forces the fluid
to the top of the impeller.
When the fluid reaches the top of the impeller, the
fluid is forced out the openings in the top of the impeller into the top of the
volute housing.
Openings in the volute housing and top of the impeller are the same size.
force of fluid from the impeller causes the fluid to spin upward along the opening
in the volute.
The force and pressure is thus increased as the fluid is forced out
the discharge side of the volute into the discharge manifold.
Actual fluid
pressure is determined by the speed of the flywheel.
Higher engine speeds increase
flywheel speed which creates higher pressure outputs from the pump assembly.
Fluid is then forced out the discharge side of the volute into the discharge
The discharge section provides two outputs.
Each output has a valve that
allows connection of two 4 inch hoses.
The discharge section consists of two
coupling halves, two gate valves, discharge manifold, and a discharge connection.
When the gate valve is opened, the fluid is forced through the discharge
connection, discharge manifold, gate valve and coupling half.
The discharge valve
controls the size of the opening from the discharge side of the pump assembly. Fuel Tank.
The fuel tank provides storage for diesel fuel and has a 19
gallon (71.9 liter) capacity.
The tank has a fuel level gauge, two fuel source
selector valves, filler cap, drain plug, and overflow return fitting.
The fuel
gage provides a visual inspection of the fuel level inside the tank.
When the fuel
level is low, fuel is added to the tank via the filler cap.
The fuel is routed
from the fuel tank to the fuel system. Wheel Mounted Frame Assembly.
The wheel mounted frame assembly allows the 350
GPM Pumping Assembly to be towed behind a mobile vehicle for short distances.
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